Welcome to Natural Products Analysis & Processing Laboratory

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The Natural Products Analysis and Processing Research Group is part of the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology and Food Science at the ​Cyprus University of Technology, based in Limassol, Cyprus.

Our group performs profound research with the state-of-the-art equipment in the field of natural products and foods of plant origin. Our research activity involves three interrelated areas pillars:

• evaluation of the bioactive composition and bioactivity of natural products and foods of plant origin

• discovering new bioactive compounds and/or extracts for food industry and pharmaceutics

• the impact of processing on stability of bioactive compounds and bioactivity in natural products and foods of plant origin

An array of advanced chromatographic, spectroscopic and physicochemical methods has been developed/modified to achieve our research objectives. Furthermore, in vitro and in silico methods are used for the assessment of bioactivity of natural products and foods of plant origin.

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